Mi Turno
Appointments can be requested through an interactive lectern located at the point of service and displayed on one or more screens in the waiting rooms, and can also be requested digitally through the institution's website.

Display the shifts on the screen
Web platform for shift scheduling
In addition, you will have other functions such as: different roles, reports and statistics, service flows, among others.

Patient prioritization at
pretriage and queuing system
Manage the priority of appointments in the screening of your patients in emergency rooms using AI (Artificial Intelligence) and taking into account the patient's risk based on their reason for consultation. This process can be done through the mobile App without the use of the lectern.
Notifications for your patients' companions

Prioritize your shift queuing system
With Mi Turno, you evolve in health and innovate in technology with these functionalities:
Manage your users' experience
It complies with Resolution 2056 of 2016 and allows your users to rate the service through a lectern located at the headquarters or through your website, mobile app or WhatsApp. This functionality will allow you to make improvement plans, analyze indicators, customize forms, among others.
With our health shifts system you can integrate with all types of medical software, reducing attention times and generating more efficient processes.
Reports and service flows
Identifies special patients with agreements or requirements and, through reports and analytics, determines service times, consultant efficiency, number of shifts attended per day, and other statistics associated with the service.