The Internet of MedicalThings, or IoMT(Internet of Medical Things), is an emerging global trend hailed as the future of computing and communications in healthcare institutions (clinics, hospitals, IPS, ambulance companies, among others).
According to recent prospective studies, this technology will be the fundamental tool for making healthcare systems in the world sustainable, since it will make it possible, on the one hand, to reduce operating costs, expand coverage and make administrative processes more efficient. At the same time, it is an enabling technology for empowering patients in the responsible use of health resources and focusing the entire operation of the institution on this and on ensuring that their care is provided with the highest possible quality and timeliness, thus ensuring that the patient continues to be the real protagonist in the care process and not the costly, long and slow administrative processes.
The growing demand from users for the healthcare system has led to innovations such as the incorporation of devices that allow patients to be monitored remotely, reducing congestion in hospitals without neglecting the quality of their health, which, in addition to freeing up space in the centers, allows patients to be constantly monitored to detect costly and difficult to cure relapses early on.
This is why the Colombian company Netux launched the Netux | Cloud platform, which is identified as the first system that operates within the concept of "Internet of Medical Things" in Latin America.
The Netux | Cloud proposal is that these emergency systems (monitoring of vital signs of patients who are in remote locations, who are being transported by ambulance or who are in a hospital environment; calls to nursing, bed availability, traceability of cold chain of medicines, among others) work by themselves by collecting vital patient data and transmitting them, via the Internet, to the medical center. It even allows bidirectional communication between the doctor and the patient, instead of functioning as a form of alert triggered by the latter.
The interoperability and integration of the different systems allows for real-time transmission of all information to a single cloud platform, making diagnosis more timely, and the processes of health sector institutions more efficient, economic and secure.
Netux | Cloud is not only limited to patient monitoring as it is scalable to telemedicine schemes, turning operating rooms and remote consultation centers into true extensions of their counterparts in the hospital center. Likewise, taking advantage of the platform's benefits, assets and medical equipment can be tracked using its connectivity to know their precise location at all times, preventing loss or theft and facilitating rapid location in case of emergencies.
The mission of a hospital is to serve patients not only in the basic aspect of health, but also physical and emotional factors. Making every process efficient to serve better and a greater number of patients, offering better connections and connectivity, improving speed in a business where time is a critical factor, is the new paradigm of these organizations, both public and private.
Netux | Cloud will be the fundamental pillar from the technological point of view that will allow us to achieve these objectives.